About Us

   For decades, I have been collecting and waiting- collecting the best used microscopes ever made and waiting for the right time to sell my collection. 90% of my early career in microscopy was spent with researchers, department chairmen, and professors, all at the top of their field. I didn’t just sell microscopes, I fixed them as well. The chief of pathology wanted a Zeiss and got it- everyone else in the lab got the dependable but blue collar AO’s. I also hold over a dozen patents in the field of microscopy and photomicroscopy.

    Currently, the microscope business is in deep trouble. The global economy and the internet have created a race to the bottom for microscopes. It seems everyone sells everything, and no one knows anything. The knowledgeable and experienced microscope man is an endangered species, much like the domestic microscope makers. I am the only American making microscopes. I also won the Parents Choice Award for my Magiscope which changed the game for children’s microscopes. The Eastern microscope manufacturers know my name and have been trying to copy my Brock Magiscope for years. I have lost count of how many I have sold since 1987, when I began, but it is well over 100,000. Today you can find vintage Brock Magiscopes online and I’m still here making future vintage Brock Magiscopes.

    I now have a triad of divisions to Brock Optical. In addition to making the Magiscope, I started Emergencymicroscopeservice.com Using the knowledge I have obtained working for Zeiss, Leitz, AO, B&L, and Nikon dealers for over 40 years. You can view my partial resume at the end of this page.

    Today, everyone from Sears to Target sells beautiful but disposable Chinese microscopes. There are literally thousands of them. They would like to be as good as the old classic Zeiss, Leitz, AO, B&L, but that ship has sailed. The materials, workmanship, and longevity of those old classics will never be seen again. After 40 years in this field, I know what work and what doesn’t, and I know what lasts and what fails. I have worked on them all, in every phase of microscopy. When I get these microscopes in, they are like old friends to me, they want to work again, and they want me to fix them, because I can.

    We offer what no one else can. Over 100 timeless German and American masterpieces, a collection unequaled. Everything we have is a classic microscope.

    We have the ability to converse and counsel with our clients to find the right match of equipment to your task. Microscopes is all that we do, we simply have more and know more then anyone else.

    Check out my credentials and see what people say about the Brock Magiscope- my creation. As for timeless, I have far too many microscopes in various conditions to put them all online now. I have to fix them and get them ready for sale and will be doing so on a weekly basis, so stay tuned. Keep this in mind, we want to talk to you and know what you need, and we want to make sure that we have it for you.

For local microscope repair, visit our sister website- www.emsmicroscope.com

See what got us started- The Magiscope, the only microscope made in the USA. www.magiscope.com

Over 40 Years in the Field - since 1974

Philadelphia, PA - Service Manager at Atlantic Instruments: Zeiss, Micro/Med and Olympus Dealer

Philadelphia, PA - Service Manager at Dolbey Scientific: Leitz Research, American Optical, Bausch & Lomb Dealer

Gainesville, FL - Service and Sales at Micro-Optics of Florida: Zeiss Research, Leitz/Wild Dealer

Orlando, FL - Sales and Service at Samuels Scientific: Nikon / Unitron Dealer

Orlando, Fl - Sales and Service at Instrument Associates / MicroLine: Zeiss Research Dealers

1987 - Present: Founder and CEO of Brock Optical Inc. manufacturer of the Brock Magiscope- A Parents Choice Award winner and the only American made microscope.